Product Optimization

Have a clear view of your products positioning and the ability to reshape them and innovate.

Companies often have to resort to surveys or pricey commercial studies to have visibility of what their customers think about their products, find areas of improvement and reveal market opportunities and what is in demand for tomorrow.

  • What if we told you that you get key insights into what your customers think about your products by millions of your interactions such as calls, chats or emails?
  • What if we told you that you could measure customer dissatisfaction and understand what is missing in your product or service by indexing millions of honest complaints?

Recordia® powers your organization with Speech and Sentiment Analysis Technology to deliver key information to understand what is actually working, areas of improvement and what your customers are missing to then make data-driven decisions to innovate and build a clear roadmap to boost your products or services.

Improve your products through active listening

Active listening is a key strategy for companies, as it implies going further by thoroughly understanding the message conveyed by customers.

Understanding what customers tell us is the central point to achieve the company’s objectives. Thanks to active listening, your company will obtain valuable data and information about the customer’s experience with your products or services, which gives you the possibility to carry out product improvements in order to get the most out of your business.

Recordia® helps your company to perform this active listening. Beyond call recording, with Recordia® AI technologies, your company can obtain key information that will help you reshape your current products or make changes in new upcoming products to adapt themselves to where market is heading.

Monitor your product launches with Recordia® AI

Recordia® allows you to monitor your product launching performance and powers your organization with valuable insights to enhance the next launches.

Set keywords related to your product launches and monitor their performance and the satisfaction levels related to them. By tracking the customer likes and dislikes, satisfaction can be attributed to specific products or promotions, allowing you to gather information to make predictions and take actions to succeed in future actions.

Recordia® Technology

Speech Analytics

  • Visual of the most mentioned words and categories.
  • Ranking of the most mentioned words and the category they belong to.
  • Evolution of occurrences over a set period.
  • Silences and overlaps during each call.

Sentiment Analysis

  • Agents’ performance ranking based on the satisfaction of their customers.
  • Transcription and sentiment analysis of each intervention of a call.
  • Overall daily and monthly customer satisfaction rates.
  • Topics and categories that elicit the most positive and negative feelings.
  • Silences and overlaps.


  • Highly accurate call transcriptions.
  • Overlapping distinction.
  • Informal register recognition.


Does Recordia® suggest keywords?

Keywords are set by the user according to their strategy and goals and what they want to detect or uncover. Recordia® delivers a cloud of the most repeated words in which you can see what your customers talk more about. Furthermore, you can establish categories, like Health Insurance for instance, and Recordia® will deliver the most repeated words within ‘Health Insurance’ which can be ‘low coverage insurance’, which you can investigate if it is an opportunity or a complaint.

Will Recordia® help me monitor promotions?

Yes, if you set specific keywords and categories, especially long-tail keywords related to a specific promotion, you can track millions of conversations and find calls and the satisfaction correlated to it.

What kind of insights will Recordia® reveal about my products?

After establishing categories and keywords related to your product and services, Recordia® will deliver the most repeated words within a category and the satisfaction correlated to each category and keywords set, revealing areas of improvement and what is working fine.

Discover the power of Recordia® and unlock your full potential!

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Use Case

Find out more about our Quality Management in the Contact Center use case.

Use Cases

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